Monday 27 October 2014

How To Cure Cancer Causing Toxins

colloidal silverDid You Know…that cancerous cells can actually revert to a healthy state within 24 hours when treated with a special protocol consisting of DMSO and colloidal silver? colloidal silver Nicknamed “The Overnight Cancer Cure,” the DMSO/colloidal silver protocol was invented and refined by a member of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation.


This protocol was designed specifically to transform cancerous cells into healthy cells — fast. The theory behind the DMSO/colloidal silver treatment is that cancer is caused by a specific microbe that gets inside healthy cells and causes them to become malignant. The protocol draws heavily from the work of Dr. Royal Rife, who researched the relationship between cancer and microbes extensively in the early 20th century.

DMSO: A “Wonderful Medical Miracle” DMSO, or dimethyl sulfoxide, is a by-product of the wood industry. Don’t be fooled, though, by such humble origins. Even doctors say this liquid is a “wonderful medical miracle.” Shortly after WWII, chemists discovered that DMSO has the ability to dissolve almost anything and to carry any dissolved substance along with it. It’s so powerful, in fact, that it’s often used as an industrial solvent. Remarkably enough, it’s also completely safe for human use.

 DMSO can penetrate areas in the body unreachable by any other means. It moves so rapidly though cell membranes that it has been nicknamed “water’s alter ego.” Within the cell, DMSO changes the structure of water molecules and — most importantly — increases cell permeability. That means the cell membrane is more easily penetrated. Cell permeability is key to how DMSO works in tandem with another miraculous healer: colloidal silver.
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Colloidal Silver: A Gifted Microbe Assassin Colloidal silver has a special talent for killing microbes and keeping them out of your bloodstream. Since several types of cancer spread through the release of microbes, killing microbes is key to halting cancer and supercharging your immune system. However, ridding the body of cancer-causing microbes poses challenges because very few substances can penetrate the interior of a cell.

As long as the microbes are within a cell, they are: Extremely difficult to reach; Prevent the cell from returning to its normal state This is where DMSO becomes so valuable. With its ability to increase cell permeability, DMSO can carry the colloidal silver into the interior of your cells, where cancer microbes dwell. Once carried through the cell wall by DMSO, the colloidal silver can destroy microbes lurking within.

This Formidable Duo “Targets Cancers Cells Like a Guided Missile”DMSO and colloidal silver work so potently in combination that R. Webster Kehr, author of the original guide to the treatment protocol, described the duo as “designed by a higher power to target cancer cells like a guided missile.”

The protocol also helps convert cancer cells into normal cells. According to the online version of Kehr’s guide: “The cancer cells will actually be able, within 2 or 3 weeks, to restore their Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain and become normal, differentiated cells again. Thus, there is zero debris from dead cancer cells or broken-apart DNA. That is why the treatment is so effective so fast.”

How to Use the Protocol According to natural health practitioners, the 2 components of this protocol must be taken in certain quantities and at specific times. Several books on the treatment have been published, and details on the regime are readily available online. The protocol can be found at the Independent Cancer Foundation, Inc.’s website … In his guide, Kehr notes that because the protocol can be tricky, especially in the beginning stages, it’s best to have a second person study the treatment to ensure you are following it correctly. It is advisable to keep that in mind when considering whether this treatment is right for you or a loved one who suffers from cancer.
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